Hey, good news is here! Aosp Lollypop stock rom is now available for Xolo Omega 5.5 users. I wonder many of Xolo Omega 5.5 users will still be waiting for Lollypop update. So i decided to post this article here for you all. The rom is developed by MrRajsingh111
The Android Open Source Project is the original unmodified version of android. It's the base ROM that all other ROM's work on. There are a few changes from CAF (code aurora forums) and Cyanogenmod to get this working for non-nexus devices like ours.
Whats Working?
- Touchscreen xD
- Image decoding
- Webview
- Camera
- Sensors
- Houdini (stable)
- Wi-Fi
- Everything Workings
- Media (IT IS FIXED) But Youtube can be dead
- Audio (IT IS FIXED)
- RIL (baseband) (IT IS FIXED)
- New User Interface
- Lots Of New Feature
- Pre-Rooted
- Init.d Support
- Supar Fast Charing
- Awesome Battery Backup
- Fast Internet
- Sound Enhancement, etc..
How To Install?
- Enter into recovery Mode using Mobile Uncle Tools or Power + Volume Up key (after shutdown)
- Tap on Wipe Menu
- Select Wipe All data - Preflash
- Select Factory Reset
- Select Wipe Cache and Wipe dalvic cache
- Click Install zip from SD card
- Click Choose Zip, to browse SD card and choose the update.zip file
- After update.zip is flashed locate and flash SuperSU.zip
- Now Reboot the device
Download Now
Click the below link to download the rom on your device
Final Words
So this was the article on how to install the Aosp Stock Lollypop rom on your Android device. I'm sure it will clear all your consequences about this rom in your mind. Now you have known all the facts about this rom clearly. I hope you love this article.
Source: Android Hacking & Customization
Share this article with your friends and do let them know about this amazing article and I hope they will love it and love to install it on their device.
Thank you for visiting Droidadda and keep visiting for more tips and tricks like this and I will meet you in the next article. Till then stay peace.
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