Hello friends, i am back after a long time. This time i have an awesome article for you all 😉 Today we are going to discuss on Windows 8 custom rom for android devices running on mediatek mt65xx chipsets (mt6571/72/80/81/82/89/91/92) etc.
You have seen Windows 8.1 running on you PC & Laptops. But do you ever imagine you can have this user interface on your android devices too ?Yes you're hearing right..! But not the whole operating system will install on your device. There is a custom rom developed for android devices. This rom is named as Windows 8.1 custom rom. It is not windows 8.1 operating system, rather then it is designed and themed like windows 8.1 with true user experience of windows.
Rom Features
- Android 4.4.2
- Windows 8.1 UI
- App Traffic Control
- SafeBox (vault for hiding confidential files)
- Pre-rooted (Kinguser)
- ClearMotion ™ Video Enhancer
- Built-in Power Saver
- Motion Gestures
- Xperia Keyboard
- InFocus Support
- Builtin apps like Lucky Patcher, Root Explorer
How To Flash?
- Place zip file of Windows 8.1 ROM in SD Card.
- Reboot into recovery (TWRP for example)
- Select Wipe on Main Menu, then Swipe to Wipe User Data/Cache/Dalvik Cache
- Wipe /System
- Go back to Menu, then select Install
- Locate the ROM file (zip), then Swipe to Install. Wait for a few minutes as the ROM is being flashed.
- Once the flashing is done, reboot the phone. Initial startup of the phone will take about 5-8 minutes as the ROM is being initialized for first use.
Watch The Video For More Info:
Final Words
So this was the article on how to install the windows 8.1 custom rom on your Android device. I'm sure it will clear all your consequences about windows 8.1 rom in your mind. Now you have known all the facts about this rom clearly. I hope you love this article.
Source: Android Hacking & Customization
Share this article with your friends and do let them know about this amazing article and I hope they will love it and love to install it on their device.
Thank you for visiting Droidadda and keep visiting for more tips and tricks like this and I will meet you in the next article. Till then stay peace.
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