Dirty Unicorns is a project that started out with no name. It was a project that was first based off AOKP back in the early days of Jelly Bean. In the early days -- it was just a one man show on one device, the EVO 3D. Since then, many others have joined the project and it has grown exponentially.
We have seen a lot of talent contribute to this project of ours. Big or small, the focus was always on contributing to the community. That is ultimately why we do what we do. After Jelly Bean, we decided to move to a new base, OmniROM. While AOKP was fun, OmniROM proved to be even more exciting base because it challenged us to see what we could do with a project that had different goals in mind. We learned a lot and gained contributors in the process. With Lollipop, we moved to an AOSP base with a lot of patches from CAF to make our older devices function as they should. We grew further with experience and learned a lot more along the way.
It has been an awesome learning experience and it's still not over! We are still learning, striving to grow each day, and continuing to move forward. Lastly, weDO NOT accept, nor ask, for donations. We do not believe in that. Everything that is necessary to keep this project going comes out of our own pocket. Gerrit, Jenkins, Websites, Devices, etc. We will never ask for a dime. All that we do ask is that you have patience, search for answers prior to posting, read, and try to enjoy the process with us!!
Whats Working?
- Camera working
- Video rec working via Camu app
- No Need to reboot for apps to apear in app drawer
- Hotspot Fixed
- FM fixed
- Data working
- 1080p playback in gallery fixed
- Youtube 720p fixed
- Youtube live playback fixed
- No Sim fixed
- No Network drop found
- USSD Fixed
- Autorotation Fixed
- All sensors working
- After Reboot QuickSetiings Too
- Rest Are As CM13
- Too many features
- GPS fixed completely
- Bluetooth
Download the Most stable Dirty Unicorns 6.0.1 For Xolo Omega 5.5 ever from the below link along with several files.
Dirty Unicorns Gapps
Flashing Instructions
- Download Rom and copy to SD Card
- Reboot into TWRP Recovery
- Go to Wipe Option in TWRP
- Go to Advanced Format option
- Choose cache ,Data ,System and Dalvik cache partition and swipe for Formatting.
- Flash ROM and wait until finish.
- First time boot after flashing takes time. Please be Patienced.
- Mrrajsingh111
- Pedro P Darkkiller(MT6580-3.18.19)
- Ahmed Rahmy
- Rock1234
- Avtiotaon Atn Ntr
- Estahad MriduL(MT6580-3.18.19)
- CM team
- Manjunath Yashu[Fixed Bugs]
- Karthick [For Lava Iris X8]
Final Words
Note: The installation process of this new ROM is going to take a while. Also, the first boot process should take at least 10 minutes before it loads all the new files.
Link For You: For More Custom Roms Visit here. If you need any extra help completing this guide, then you should tell us in comments. If installation fails, then the only thing that you need to do is to try and repeat the whole tutorial more than once.Google Search Tags:
Share this article with your friends and do let them know about this amazing article and I hope they will love it and love to install it on their device. Thank you for visiting Droidadda and keep visiting for more tips and tricks like this and I will meet you in the next article. Till then stay peace.
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