Hey Fellas! We all might be using Facebook in today’s time. No one can say that he is not using Facebook. So while using Facebook we see many videos while checking our news feeds and sometimes we love those video’s too. Many of the users keep sharing those videos some are funny, when you check those videos, we see that the Facebook has not given the download button. This option is available while downloading images but not with the video. So I am again coming up with the new trick in which we will be showing you how can you download the videos from Facebook by a simple software from which you can even browse Facebook. Previously we have shared How to make money with Facebook

I have previously shared how to download videos from Facebook when you are using computer but that trick didn’t worked for many users and that method was working without any software or anything and it was working in computers. There are many downloader available on play store but this is the only application which is having cool features.

How To Easily Download Video’s From Facebook

This application is available on play store which is available for both rooted and as well as non-rooted mobile phone no need of any xposed module and you can explore all the videos which you have shared, in groups and available on the pages you have liked and by exploring it so this is the best software from which you download videos. You may also like How To Make Single Name on Facebook Using Android Phone

Features of Facebook Video Downloader App

— Download the Facebook video easily by exploring in news feeds
— The only application which downloads the videos in HD
— You can also use Facebook at the same time
— Download any Facebook video which is available on Facebook, groups and pages
— Directly share the video which you have downloaded

How To Download Facebook Videos On Android

Step 1: Download the my downloader for Facebook application from here – Play Store

Step 2: Open the application and login with Facebook

Step 3: Swipe from the left and click on My Videos and you will see there many options such as which you shared, tagged and other options


Step 4: Now you will see many options and just select the video and click on the video

Step 5: Now click on the drop-down list and click on download video


Step 6: The download will be automatically started and then wait for sometime and it will be available in your gallery

Step 7: Now you can download your favourite Facebook video from Facebook

Note: If you are getting error while downloading video just click on Settings >>Destination and clear what has written in it
This was the method about how can you download the video’s from Facebook without rooting your mobile or anything if you want us to post some guide comment below and keep visiting us for more updates, tricks like this thank you for visiting.
Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

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