AICP Android Ice Cold Project [WIP]
AICP is known by everyone as Android Ice Cold Project that started on HTC Desire HD and since then evolved into a mature ROM with the BEST community you can find!!!Until lollipop, ROM has always been AOKP based. Unfortunately, since AOKP either stopped development or will make a comeback later this year, we changed our base to CyanogenMod when it comes to hardware, drivers and some features.

Display and animations:
System animations
Toast icon and animation
Power menu animation
IME animation
LCD densidy changer
Toast icon and animation
Power menu animation
IME animation
LCD densidy changer
Status bar:
Clock style (position, date view, date format, color, font type and size, seconds)
Status bar icons control
Battery Icon style (percentage, icon type)
Brightness control
Show notification count
Quick pulldown on QS
Superuser indicator control
Headset icon
AICP logo
Traffic Indicators
Carrier Label
Battery bar
Statusbar weather temperature
Clock style (position, date view, date format, color, font type and size, seconds)
Status bar icons control
Battery Icon style (percentage, icon type)
Brightness control
Show notification count
Quick pulldown on QS
Superuser indicator control
Headset icon
AICP logo
Traffic Indicators
Carrier Label
Battery bar
Statusbar weather temperature
Notification drawer:
Brightness slider
Time contextual header
Weather info settings
CAF Task Manager
Force expanded notifications
Disable immersive mode messages
Brightness slider
Time contextual header
Weather info settings
CAF Task Manager
Force expanded notifications
Disable immersive mode messages
Recents panel:
Clear all button settings
Show/hide search bar in recent menu
Recents in fullscreen
Show/hide clock and date in recent menu
Memory bar
Clear all button settings
Show/hide search bar in recent menu
Recents in fullscreen
Show/hide clock and date in recent menu
Memory bar
Lock screen:
Show/hide music visualizer
Show/hide media cover art
Lock screen shortcuts
Mid-Screen shortcuts
Lock screen blur
DT2S on lockscreen
Lock Clock fonts
Lockscreen weather options
Show/hide music visualizer
Show/hide media cover art
Lock screen shortcuts
Mid-Screen shortcuts
Lock screen blur
DT2S on lockscreen
Lock Clock fonts
Lockscreen weather options
Enable/disable navigation bar buttons
Left-handed mode
Buttons and layout settings
Adjust navigation bar dimensions
CM button long press, double press features
Power menu settings
Press power button twice for camera
Enable/disable navigation bar buttons
Left-handed mode
Buttons and layout settings
Adjust navigation bar dimensions
CM button long press, double press features
Power menu settings
Press power button twice for camera
Pie Control
Gesture Anywhere
App Circle Bar
Slim Recents
Scrolling cache settings
Disable FC notifications
DT2S on navigation bar
Launch music app when headset is connected
Enable/disable screenshot sound
Three fingers swipe for screenshot
System App remover
Take logcat, kmesg, dmesg on the go! (AicpExtras -> Log that 's'hit)
Pie Control
Gesture Anywhere
App Circle Bar
Slim Recents
Scrolling cache settings
Disable FC notifications
DT2S on navigation bar
Launch music app when headset is connected
Enable/disable screenshot sound
Three fingers swipe for screenshot
System App remover
Take logcat, kmesg, dmesg on the go! (AicpExtras -> Log that 's'hit)
Quick Settings toggles:
QS Compass Tile
QS Sync Tile
QS Volume Tile
QS Profiles Tile
QS USB tether Tile
QS Screen timeout Tile
QS Performance Tile
QS Lockscreen toggle Tile
QS Ambient Display Tile
QS Live Display Tile
QS Brightness Tile
QS ScreenOff Tile
QS Screenshot Tile
QS Expanded desktop Tile
QS Music Tile
QS Reboot Tile
QS Nav bar Tile
QS SlimPie Tile
QS App circle bar Tile
QS App side bar Tile

In the beginning I would like to thank:
CM team (Lineage)
SlimBean rom team
CarbonRom team
LiquidSmooth rom team
Omni rom team
DU team
SlimBean rom team
CarbonRom team
LiquidSmooth rom team
Omni rom team
DU team

+Sandeep Sethi pay for servers to build and everything that comes with it, so EVERY DONATION will really be appreciated and be used to cover those expenses.
Thank you!


Camera Focus????? (USE DIFFERENT APP)
Video Capture
Auto Brightness (Fixed 20th Jan)
Hotspot (Fixed 20th Jan)
Video Capture
Auto Brightness (Fixed 20th Jan)
Hotspot (Fixed 20th Jan)

ROMs should contain everything you need to enjoy Nougat. You are not required to install any Add Ons, simply download the latest ROM, Google Apps, flash it, and go!
You are STRONGLY recommended to fully wipe your device before flashing, and if possible avoid restoring system apps and system data with Titanium Backup - these can cause stability issues that are very hard to debug. If you believe you know what you're doing - then fine, go ahead, but please don't complain if you experience strange behavior.
How to flash:
Make sure you have TWRP recovery on your device.
Make a backup of your current ROM.
Wipe system, data, cache and dalvik.
Flash and
Reboot system and setup!

Github link:
Gerrit link:
XDA:DevDB Information
[AICP]Android Ice Cold Project 12.1
ROM for the Lenovo K3 Note
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: TWRP
Version Information
Status: Alpha
Created 2017-01-20
Last Updated 2017-01-26
Source Code:
ROM OS Version: 7.x Nougat
ROM Kernel: Linux 3.10.x
ROM Firmware Required: TWRP
Version Information
Status: Alpha
Created 2017-01-20
Last Updated 2017-01-26
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