Stock Marshmallow Of Android One Ported To Iris X8 (MT6592) 3.4.67

What's working ?

Video Recording Work In stock cam 
More Stability 
Video Playback in browser fixed 
Gapps Fixed 
No Need to reboot for apps to apear in app drawer  Hotspot Fixed
BT Fixed 
FM fixed 
GPS fixed 
VPN Work For Iris X8 users!
3G , 2G Switch  Data working 
1080p playback in gallery fixed 
youtube 720p fixed 
youtube live playback fixed 
No Sim fixed 
No Network drop found 
USSD Fixed 
Autorotation Fixed 
All sensors working 
After Reboot QuickSetiings Too  Rest Are As CM13 
Too many features
Cam Fixed,
This aosp Is tottaly Stable Like CM13 Battery Backup Is Awesome
Sound Is also awesome

Some Changes By Samar Vispute:-

Fake MM Kernel(See SS)

Build.prop tweaks Added
Reduce ROM size 
Added default(stock) wallpaper of x8
Added Xposed And Android N ify experimentle Build (With settings swipe)
Added New Massanging ,
Latest Google apps , File Manager , Pixel Launcher And Much More
Added Arise Sound Systems Libs And Other Files


ROM Click Here
Xposed : Click Here

Bugs :-

VPN (Work For X8 Users)

ScreenShots :

How to Flash:

1.Reboot Into Recovery.
2.Wipe Preflash And Wipe Data/Factory reset.
3. Flash ROM
5.Flash Gapps

 Some SS Of Android n-ify Xposed Module

Credit/Thnx to:-

Daniel Ascherl
Tirth Patel
Yazad Madan
Kishan Patel
Samar Vispute

[Credit] Original Post By : Click Here

Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

Post A Comment:


  1. Wi-Fi does not work for me.

  2. Same Wi-Fi does not work in x8
    Can you please fix it

  3. Multi Window feature is available in this rom ?

  4. Dear Sir
    Not work for WiFi me
    Mara phone me WiFi nahi charaha he
    Please help me sir
    Please reply

  5. Sorry Guys, For WiFi Error.
    Basically This ROM Is Ported By Samar Vispute.
    -I Will Contact Him... FOR Fix
    -FOR MultiWindow : Enable Option In Developer Mode
    Please Wait. GUYS

  6. Dear sir
    I'm waiting for your reply

  7. Sir, I encountered these problems after installing this rom.

    1 - Setup Wizard/SetupWizard.apk doesn't work so I was forced to remove it from the zip before installing it again.

    2 - the notification panel doesn't swipe down

    can you provide me some p

    1. Sorry, Sir I Can't Help You, Because This Rom Is Ported By Samar Vispute.
