Android Open Source illusion Project

About us:

AOSIP is a quality custom rom based purely on Googles AOSP marshmallow source. Twisted with the latest features and blended with stability. We strive for perfection and it shows.

Team Illusion:

Josh Fox (xlxfoxxlx)
Paul Clark
Akhil Narang
Alex Couderc
Sean Grondin



Dirty Unicorns
ChainFire (SuperSU)
Daniel Ascherl
Shreesha Murthy
Varun Chitre 
Tirth Patel 
Yazad Madan 
Kishan Patel
Samar Vispute  
AOSiP Devs 


Full support is always on the top of the list. visit our AOSiP Google plus community for all your ROM needs. There we have all the latest links to gapps , layers , and other helpful communities. Or just stop and engage in off topic fun.

Bug reporting:

This is a big one. We work very hard for you guys so please help us out and follow these steps to report your bug. Ive even provided links for you to help out.

  • Very first step will be to attempt a new DL and clean flash.
  • Pull a logcat and copy / paste it to hastebin .
  • Visit AOSiP and post your issue with your log in the bug reporting section.
  • Any bug reported without following procedure will be disregarded.

Source code:

As the name states we are open source and encourage anyone to skim through the code. However the builds we release are not to be taken apart and parted out.
AOSiP github
Kernel source

Latest Downloads:


Donations are always appreciated. A lot of work goes into each and every build.
If you're feeling like were deserving of a little tip please feel free to send it
Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

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