AOSP is the stock Android or you can say the vanilla Android which is release by Google. This page lists the AOSP ROM based on Android Oreo (Android 8.0), which is the latest Android version. AOSP ROM is a raw Android without any added features on top of it unlike other Custom ROMs like: LineageOS, Resurrection Remix OS, Omni ROM, Legend ROM etc

What is AOSP 8.0?

AOSP is the stock Android or you can say the vanilla Android which is release by Google. This page lists the AOSP ROM based on Android Oreo (Android 8.0), which is the latest Android version. AOSP ROM is a raw Android without any added features on top of it unlike other Custom ROMs like: LineageOS, Resurrection Remix OS, Omni ROM, Legend ROM etc

AOSP 8.0 Device Lists

[Updated on October 2017]

Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following Lenovo devices:
  • Lenovo P2 (kuntao_row)
  • Lenovo Z2 Plus (z2)
  • Lenovo A6000/Plus (a6000)
Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following Motorola devices:
  • Motorola Moto G5 Plus (potter)
Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following OnePlus devices:
  • OnePlus X (onyx)
Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following Samsung devices:
  • Samsung Galaxy S4 (i950x)
Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following Sony devices:
  • Sony Xperia V (tsubasa)
  • Sony Xperia TX (hayabusa)
  • Sony Xperia T (mint)
  • Sony Xperia SP (huashan)
  • Sony Xperia XZ Premium (maple)
  • Sony Xperia XZs (kagura, G8231, G8232)
  • Sony Xperia XZ/Dual (kagura, F8331, F8332)
Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following Xiaomi devices:
  • Xiaomi Redmi 2 (wt88047)
  • Xiaomi Redmi 3s (land) (Xperience ROM based on AOSP Oreo)
Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following ZUK devices:
  • Zuk Z2 (z2)

[Updated on September 2017]

Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following Google devices:
  • Nexus 4
Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following OnePlus devices:
  • OnePlus One
Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following Xiaomi devices:
  • Mi 5

[Updated on August 2017]

Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following ASUS devices:
  • ASUS Zenfone 5
Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following Google devices:
  • Google Nexus 6
Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following Motorola devices:
  • Motorola Moto G4 Play
Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following Xiaomi devices:
  • Xiaomi Mi Max
  • Xiaomi Redmi NOTE 3
  • Xiaomi Redmi NOTE 4 Snapdragon
  • Xiaomi Mi 3/Mi 4
Added Android Oreo AOSP ROM for following Yu devices:
  • Yu Yuphoria

Lineage OS 15 Downloads

S. noDeviceDownloads
1ASUS Zenfone 5 (t00f/g)Click here

S. noDeviceDownloads
1Google Nexus 4 (mako)Click here
2Google Nexus 6 (hammerhead)Click here

S. noDeviceDownloads
1Lenovo A6000/Plus (a6000)Click here
2Lenovo P2 (kuntao_row)Click here
3Lenovo Z2 plus (z2)Click here

S. noDeviceDownloads
1Motorola Moto G4 Play (harpia)Click here
2Motorola Moto G5 Plus (potter)Click here

S. noDeviceDownloads
1OnePlus One (OPO, bacon)Click here
2OnePlus X (onyx)Click here

S. noDeviceDownloads
1Samsung GalaxyS4 (jflte)Click here

S. noDeviceDownloads
1Xperia SP (huashan)Click here
2Xperia T (mint)Click here
3Xperia TX (hayabusa)Click here
4Xperia V (tsubasa)Click here
5Xperia XZ/Dual (kagura)Click here
6Xperia XZ Premium (maple)Click here
7Xperia XZs (Keyaki)Click here

S. noDeviceDownloads
1Xiaomi Mi 3/ Mi 4 (cancro)Click here
2Xiaomi Mi 5 (gemini)Click here
3Xiaomi Mi Max (hydrogen)Click here
4Xiaomi Redmi Note 3Click here
5Xiaomi Redmi 2 (wt88047)Click here
6Xiaomi Redmi 3s (land)Click here
7Xiaomi Redmi NOTE 4 SNAPDRAGON (mido)Click here

S. noDeviceDownloads
1Yu Yuphoria (lettuce)Click here

S. noDeviceDownloads
1Zuk Z2 (z2)Click here

Important Notice : The users who loved AOSP would be upset hearing this news that AOSP had removed the internal support for pre-built Gapps and Root features. But don't worry we have a good news for you too. You can download the Android Oreo Gapps package and Rooting binaries from the below links:
  • Android Oreo Gapps
  • SuperSu 

Final Words

So this was the article on Official AOSP 8.0 for various Android devices. Now you have known all the details and facts of AOSP 8.0 rom. I hope you love this article.

Google Search Tags:

AOSP 8.0, AOSP 8.0 For Alcatel, AOSP 8.0 For Android One, AOSP 8.0 For Asus, AOSP 8.0 For Google Pixel, AOSP 8.0 For Google, AOSP 8.0 For Huawei, AOSP 8.0 For Le Eco, AOSP 8.0, AOSP 8.0 For Lenovo, AOSP 8.0 For LG, AOSP 8.0 For Moto, AOSP 8.0 For Oneplus, AOSP 8.0 For Samsung, AOSP 8.0 For Tecno, AOSP 8.0 For Wiley Fox, AOSP 8.0 For Xiaomi, AOSP 8.0 For Redmi, AOSP 8.0 For Yu, AOSP 8.0 For ZTE, AOSP 8.0 For ZUK, AOSP 8.0 For Mediatek, AOSP 8.0 For Snapdragon, AOSP 8.0 For MT67xx

Also Read: Official Lineage OS 15 For Android Devices
Share this article with your friends and do let them know about this amazing article and I hope they will love it and love to install it on their device. Thank you for visiting Droidadda and keep visiting for more tips and tricks like this and I will meet you in the next article. Till then stay peace.
Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

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