Man Who Spent 9 Hours Pressing Arrow Key To Reach Bottom Of An Excel Sheet

Ever wondered whether any excel sheet is having an end or not. Basically most of the people thinks there is no end. To find out the Man Who Spent 9 Hours Pressing Arrow Key To Reach Bottom Of An Excel Sheet

He spend 9 hours to find the bottom. He could have reached to bottom in just 1 second just by pressing the two keys. Many of them knows this secret and many of them don’t. Today in this article, I will be telling you the story about this man.
There is a YouTuber name as Hunter Hobbs, from Okhlahoma University, he decided to find the end of the excel sheet. He took the decision to press bottom key and tried to find out that what is bottom of the excel sheet.

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He pressed the bottom key for around 9 hours and without taking any kind of break or without leaving the bottom key. It took exactly 9 hours to actually know the bottom of the key.
OMG! It was really a foolish thing did by him he could have done some research before pressing the key but he didn’t and he took the challenge and press the bottom key. He is getting a lot of views and comments and you can checkout the video by watching below YouTube video.

Secret to Reach Bottom in Just 1 second.

You can easily open your excel sheet and press Ctrl + Bottom Down key to reach bottom in just 1 second. This can be done in easily and now you know the secret.

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Man Who Spent 9 Hours Pressing Arrow Key To Reach Bottom Of An Excel Sheet
Note: This excel sheet is having 65,536 because it is having  Excel 2003 the updated one is having 1,048,576. 

Final Verdict:

Do let us know in the comment section about what you think about this Youtuber. This was the article about the Man Who Spent 9 Hours Pressing Arrow Key To Reach Bottom Of An Excel Sheet!
I hope you love this article and thank you for visiting and keep visiting for more tips and tricks like this and I will meet you in the next one.
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Do share about this guy with your friends and do let them know the secret to reach bottom. Peace out.
Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

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