Vodafone users: Play ‘Spot the Santa game’ on My Vodafone app and earn free internet data up to 1.2GB [simple game]

Hi folks, Here I am sharing a free internet offer for Vodafone users. Vodafone’s official app myVodafone app is offering free internet data now. the offer called as ‘spot the Santa and earn free data’. the maximum you can earn with this offer is 1.2 GB data. and this is an official offer from Vodafone so no need for any worries.

You can earn free internet data from my Vodafone app by simply playing the game. it’s a simple game. just spot Santa from the app and you will get free data. the more you find the gifts the more free data you get. the myVodafone app ‘spot the Santa and earn free internet data’ offer valid till 15th January. read the full details of this new year Vodafone offer below and grab maximum free internet data.

How to play MyVodafone app ‘Spot the Santa’ game and grab free internet data

  1. Download [or update] the latest MyVodafone app first.
  2. There are 8 gifts hidden in the application.the gifts situated in different pages of the app.
  3. search and find the gifts. tap on the gift to open them.
  4. Find maximum gifts. the maximum gifts you find the maximum data you get.
    we added some suggestions of locations where you can find some gift.[check next section]

MyVodafone app ‘spot the Santa’ Free Internet data offer reward details

I already described that more you find gifts more you earn. in this section, we are sharing the details of rewards that you will get from this game.
  • Find 1 Gift and earn 100 MB free data
  • Find 4 Gifts and earn 400 MB free data
  • Find all gifts [12 gifts] and get 1.2 GB data free
    Actually, total you get 1.7 GB if you successfully spot all the 8 gifts. ie, 1.2 GB+ 100 MB + 400 MB

Suggestions: Gift locations- get free internet data

here we are listing some locations where you can find the gifts.
  • Open the ‘amazing offers for you’ page from the main screen. there you can find the gift.
    gifts are situated at the right bottom of the page.
  • browse to ‘shop’ then to ‘internet’. there will be a gift.
  • goto ‘Vodafone Flex’ and scroll down and click on ‘show Flex FAQ’.
  • rewards page
  • help and support page
  • music and entertainment section
  • go to active data packs and balance.
These are some suggestions where a high possibility of finding the gifts. browse the app and find all hidden gifts. this is the best opportunity for all Vodafone users to earn some free internet data. so guys don’t miss this superb deal. play the myVodafone app ‘spot the Santa’ game and grab free internet data. If you like this article don’t forget to share this on facebook, WhatsApp etc.
Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

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