Pure Nexus For Micromax A106

The Pure Nexus Project aims to bring stability and features to your Nexus/Other device, while keeping Google's vision in line and not straying too far away from that. If you are looking for a stable ROM with true tested features and minimal bugs, then this is the place to be. 

What's working ?

 Video Recording Work In stock cam
 More Stability
 Video Playback in browser fixed
 Gapps Fixed
 No Need to reboot for apps to apear in app drawer
 Hotspot Fixed
 BT Fixed
 FM fixed
 GPS fixed
 VPN Work For Iris X8 users!
 3G , 2G Switch
 Data working
 1080p playback in gallery fixed
 youtube 720p fixed
 youtube live playback fixed
 No Sim fixed
 No Network drop found
 USSD Fixed
 Autorotation Fixed
 All sensors working
 After Reboot QuickSetiings Too
 Rest Are As CM13
 Too many features
 Cam Fixed, This aosp Is tottaly Stable Like CM13
 Battery Backup Is Awesome 

Changelog :- Nov 2016

 Upstreamed to r74
 Nov 2016 Security Patch Level
 Camera fc after few clicks fixed
 Inverted video recording issues fixed
 New FM app added and working
 Offine Charging Animation fixed
 Fixed Carrier Name instead of Number
 Improved Performance
 Added Stock Power Profiles
 Fixed Xposed in release 74   
 Fixed all UI lags
 Added MultiUser UI

Bugs :-



Afzal Hossain Alif (Imalif) (Port that rom for mt6592 from sprout )
Tirth Patel (Compiled CM13 and Fixed all bugs)
Daniel Ashcherl (The Legend Behind cm13 for mt6592)
Samar Vispute
Shreesha Murthy
Vikrant Arya
Hyperion70 , Ferhung (Another Legends)
Kishan Patel
Yazad madan
Sunmughan Swamy
Royal Porting /team
Pure Nexus Devolopers
Harshit Nagar - Cross Ported For MT6582
Anand Umap - Just For Help Nothing More 😛
Fire2 Team
Team Aura


ROM OS Version : 6.0.x Marshmallow
ChipSet : MT6582
Kernel : 3.4.67
Based On : AOSP\CAF


Link will be available tomorrow


Ps - Anand Umap
Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

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