Hello Guys, Here is Another Sleek News For Us (Lava Iris X8 Users). Resurrection Remix 5.6.9 Ported to Lava Iris X8. it is An Android Marshmallow Powered ROM which Has Tons Of Customization Options Than CM13, However It is Based on Cynogenmod Only. Resurrection Remix 5.6.9 Has Major Updates Over Previous Version.
Sprout Devs - Resurrection Remix
Team Himura Rudyanto - Tj Ferhung
Fire855 - Legend For 92
Samar Vispute (Port To Our Device )
Screenshots :
Changelog V5.6.9:
- Android 6.0.1_r30-> r43
- Introducing Resurrection Remix Rom stats
- SysUI:Custom Recents Style -Taskviewheader colors
- Carrier Label Fonts Style
- Custom Headers : Add new material design colorful headers
- SystemUI : Re-order left statusbar icon layouts and paddings
- Option to Hide carrier label based on notitication icons
- FWB: Carrier label font style
- Battery bar enhancements
- ActivityManager: fix perf boost NPE
- Qs: Add Audio Fx Visualizer Tile
- batteryservice: Add support for segmented power LEDs
- QSPanel: Fix Reported SystemUI FC on Themes Tile
- SystemUI: avoid lock screen shortcut picker crash
- SysUI: Show keyguard when LLS dies and had focus
- pms: Skip reinstall of prebundles correctly per user.
- systemui: Fix the TrustDrawable animation state
- SystemUI: bail out of recents-to-home animation when losing focus
- Lockscreen : Bunch-o-fixes
- Themes: Expose manifest styles for framework activities
- Add new options for call waiting response in InCallUI
- SysUI: Make sure LLS focus is false when unlocking
- perf: Send the process name and pid for launch boosts
- am: Remove extraneous boostage
- batteryservice: Use Alpha channel for segmented LED power level
- ThemeTile: tighten up how we execute a theme change
- CmRes: Attach themed cmsdk resources to assets
- SystemUI: attach a queue to media player notifications
- SystemUI: fix play queue crash
- am: Don't protect apps that atttempt to grant uri perms
- SystemUI: fix potential NPE with Queue
- only use proximity checks on wakeup keys
- SysUI: Use VectorDrawable's for rendering battery
- Fix SystemUI FC on Media Notification Queue
- bootanimation: fix check for system bootanimation
- MediaScanner: Add support for default ringtones per sim
- Fix incorrect behavior for statusbar and quicksettings panel
- ActivityManager: fix perf boost NPE
- QS: fix performance profile tile observer
- SystemUI : Fix multi-user for keyguard
- SystemUI: Set circle battery path as untranslatable
- Update volume slider only if ringer mode changed
- SystemUITests: fix compile error
- Lockscreen : Disable left edge after showing keyguard
- Keyguard: Allow swiping up when trust managed
- SpamFilter : Hide option if notification cannot be filtered
- FWB: Move Pulse Configs to Secure
- LS:Fix Weather Panel Not hiding With Max Notif
- Acquire wakelock until dream service acknowledges dream state change
- Lockscreen : Only animate targets if launched via swipe
- Ensure camera is launched if doing screen off gesture
- Keyguard : Ensure we expand onIconClicked
- WindowManagerService : Ensure we update both size/position
- Fix Battery Icon Tint on Keyguard
- SysUI:Update a Custom Logo
- SysUI:Update some quick tile icons
- Qs: Add Audio Fx Visualizer Tile
- Speed up notification panel pulldown animation when called externally
- Lls: Use LlsController for checking LLS focus
- LLS: Don't change bar state when changing LLS focus
- LLS: Ensure LLS loses focus when showing bouncer
- ShutdownThread: Decrypt before stopping storage manager
- VisualizerTile: Use proper Techniques to unlink with Pulse
- Release alarm wakelock for blocked uid.
- SyncManager: Adjust sync remaining time calculation.
- Themes: Fix theming of cmsdk assets
- Fix isComponentProtected calls in package manager tests
- MSIM: Fix to resolve SIM PIN unlock in APM.
- SystemUI: Check current data subscription when updating signal cluster
- SysUI: Adjust battery dimensions for better look
- am: Handle unchecked activity starts for protected components.
- SysUI: Check swiping progress before collapsing KBA
- SystemUI : Fix left swipe when dismissing bouncer
- usb: ensure accessory detached sent on re-attach
- SysUI:Cleaup Observers and fix certain mem leaks
- SystemUI: fix NFC tile sometimes hiding
- SystemUI : Ensure bouncer is not shown for SHADE
- Port "Settings: add a way to not localize zone selections" to cm-13
- Telephony: fix crash if SubInfo isn't ready
- Settings:Close "Protected apps" activity during power cycle
- Settings: Move vibrator value restore to on Activity Stop
- Settings: Use correct icon for sim card
- Settings:Disable battery pulsing if segmented battery LED is enabled
- Settings:Update MultiTasking Category Icon
- Settings:Protected apps: fix rotation states
- Settings:LockPattern View: persist state across rotates
- Settings:LLS: Load title and summary from ext. package if avail.
- Settings: Make sure to rebuild on app entries loaded.
- Settings: fix backlight illumination wrong summary
- Settings: More Dashboard Customizations
- Fix Reboot on Call Waiting Scenario
- Update Translations
- All updates from CM
- For more info Track Github Activities
What's Working :
Video recording working in stock/Snap camera
Audio in calls
RIL SMS (Receive and Send both working)
RIL is now more stable
Dual SIM
Screen Recording
Both storages (SD and Internal) mounting in both Phone and
PCGappsFM Radio
Workaround Fix:
2G/3G Switch Fix: Go to Settings-->System Profiles--> Default Settings-->Now Switch Network To 2G/3G.
Download Link:
° ROM [ Mega ]
!! Please Note it Guys, There is Always Potential Risk While Flashing ROM in Any Device.So You Have to do it at Your Own Risk And Think about it twice Before doing. !!
I Am NOT Responsible If You Done Any Damage To Your Device While Flashing ROM !
If There Is Any Problem Happen I Will Try My Best To Solve It :)
How to Flash:
Reboot Into Recovery.
Wipe Data/Factory reset.Wipe Cache, Dalvik Cache.
Flash ROM, Patch, Gapphs.
If You Have Any Doubts Or Queries, Do Ask Them In Our Comment Section And Visit Again For More Future ROM Reviews.
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[Latest] Resurrection Remix 5.6.9. For Lava Iris X8
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It is not detecting sim cards whatsoever. Tried flight mode off/on, soft reboot, full reboot etc. etc., nothing helped.
ReplyDeleteCheck Imie Of Your Phone.
Home key is not working.......!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd can't find a way to restore IMEI......
Actually home key of nav bar is working but home hard key is not working.
Replaced System/Usr Folder From Any Working CM13 Rom To RR V5.6.9.
ReplyDeleteIf U Create A Backup Of Imie By Mtkdroidtool Then Restore It Via Mtkdroidtool
Or Use Other Method
1. By Engineer Mode
2. By Spflash Tool
Can you upload the given folder........!!!!
Can you also provide the xposed module and apk .....?????
ReplyDeleteFlashed xposed-v78-sdk22-arm.zip and install Xposed alpha apk...
ReplyDeleteNot 100% Sure....
Take Backup Before installing Xposed
gapps plz
ReplyDeleteCan I use this ROM for my lava iris x8 4.4.2 rooted
can I flash this ROM by sp flash tool and how to flash the patch.....
ReplyDeleteif any problem face when connect with pc..then what can I do...because 5.6.8 did not connet with pc
ReplyDeleteNo U Can't Flash This Rom By SpFlash Tool ...
U Can Flash This Rom By CTR Recovery.
Step To Install Rom
1. Root Device And Install CTR Recovery
2. Boot InTo Recovery Mode
3. Wipe Preflash, Wipe Cache, Wipe Dalvik Cache
4. Flash Rom And Patch
5. Reboot Device
6. Now Flash Gapps
ReplyDeleteI Think In This Rom Both Storage Mounted.
You Will Not Face Any PROBLEM in This Rom.
Does it support usb otg...?
ReplyDeletePatch file not getting flashed...it says can't open...does it require lp based kernel ?
ReplyDeleteOTG Not Tested.
I Think U Will Not Download Patch Correctly, Download Again Then Flash.
Its Kitkat Kernel Based Rom...
It's very smooth Rom. It supports otg.but data not connecting.I tried it through system profile and soft rebooted. But problem is not solved. And can I root it with kingo root ?
ReplyDeletehow to flash the patch......plz help me
ReplyDeleteFIX for Data :
- U Have To Create Manually Access Point Setting
CALL To Customer Care Of Sim To Get internet Setting
After Saving aCcess Point Setting U Will Definitely Use The Data.
ReplyDeleteBoot Into CTR Recovery Mode
- Click On Wipe Menu
- Wipe Preflash, Wipe Factory Reset
- Click On Install Zip
- Choose zip From Sdcard
- Now Flash Rom
-Then Flash Patch
- Reboot
Note***** : Please Take Backup Of Full Rom To Avoid BOOTLOOP
- If Ur Device stuck On Bootloop Then Boot Into Recovery By Pressing Volume UP + Power Key
Then Restore Backup.
SIM 2 is not working. It shows invalid imei. There is no mtk engineering mode. I tried via *#*#3646633#*#* and mtk app. Mobileuncle app can't restore imei without root.
ReplyDeleteThanks bro...everything is working fine.
ReplyDeleteAwesome ROM broo every things working except home hard key thanks for porting this ROM........ keep it up.
ReplyDeleteReplaced System/Usr Folder From Any Working CM13 Rom To RR V5.6.9.
ReplyDeletehow can we replace system/usr folder ?
ReplyDeleteHow To Replace System/Usr Folder From One Rom To Another
ReplyDelete- Extract RR V5.6.9 Or Any CM 13 Roms
- Then Delete SYSTEM/usr Folder In RR V5.6.9 Rom
- Now Copy System/Usr Folder Of Any Working CM13 Roms And Paste This Folder To System Folder Of RR V5.6.9
- Now Select Meta.inf, System, Boot.img Etc Of RR V5.6.9 Then Compress Into Flashable Zip.
- Now Flash Rom, Patch, And Gapps
- Done
brooo when I am using any app a popup message is shown for example for what's app “ unfortunately the what's app isn't working/responding ” plz help meeeee ������������ plz help meeeee
ReplyDeleteIn RR 5.6.9 No Problem : Related To “ unfortunately the ------ isn't working/responding ”
I Think :
Try Wipe Factory Reset In Recovery Mode ( This Will Erase UR Phone Memory, System/Data, All Installed App, So Be Careful )
If After This Problem Continue
Flash Clean Rom
Bro we need to first delete system folder from zip file.then put the system folder of another cm 13 ROM and flash the zip, in order to solver home key not working problem.is this right procedure?
ReplyDeleteplease solve the network instability issue
ReplyDelete#Aditya Jagtap
ReplyDeleteJust Only Replace "Usr" Folder.
U Find "Usr" Folder In "System"
"network instability issue"
ReplyDeleteU Will Find This Issue On Every CM Based Rom.
...No Way To Fix Permanently...
which is bug free on lava x8 and have more battery performance ??? .....................tell.......................thx
ReplyDeleteresurrection 5.6.9 or 5.6.8