Download Links :

KITKAT CTR Recovery : Click Here 
LOLLIPOP CTR Recovery : Click Here
MobiUncleTools : Click Here

Your Battery Must Be At Least 50% To Proceed.

How To Install Custom Recovery Without PC:

1. Now first install mobileuncle tools in your device and allow SuperSu (Root) permission.
2, Put recovery.img file in Root Folder Of  SD card. 
3. On Mobileuncle Tools tap on "Recovery Update" Option. 
3. Now tap on Recovery.img option and it will flash recovery.
4. Your phone will be auto reboot automatically to recovery Mode.

How To Boot Into Recovery Mode:

1. Switch Off your phone. 
2. Press Power and Vol + Simultaneously.
3. Your phone will be boots on recovery.


Use Android App To Boot In Recovery Like Rebooter, Titanium Backup, MobiUncletool

Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

Post A Comment:


  1. Thankd Dude ....Thanks Alot ..

  2. I already have a twrp recovery can i install ctr using the above method

  3. please give twrp and other recovery too because thay not listed iris x8 in there site

  4. Sir Its Possible That I Have Micromax Canvas Juice Q461 And Their Same Specifications On Lava X38 So I Can Flash Its stock Rom In My Micromax

    1. Yes, But You Need To Port First.

    2. Sir Their is 2 Questions in My mind 1 ( My Phone Is Android 5.1 And lava Is 6.0 so their is No brick my phone ) and 2 is ( Sir Ji How Can I Port Please Can You Provide the YouTube link That How Can I Port Rom)

    3. Sir, You Have Custom Recovery For Your Device.
