• NEW Layout
  • Proximity Call
  • Flip to Mute call
  • Screenrecord
  • Ad blocker
  • CM Privacy Guard
  • Notification FC Disabler
  • LCD Changer (persistent)
  • Gesture Anywhere
  • Recents Panel Settings
  • OmniSwitch
  • SlimRecents
  • App Circle Bar
  • App Sidebar
  • Network Traffic on statusbar
  • Show CPU Info
  • Boot animation changer
  • CM Theme Engine
  • Slim's Heads Up, with the ability to disable
  • Lock Screen weather
  • SELinux switch
  • Change statusbar clock style & position
  • AICP logo on statusbar
  • Carrier Label
  • Show temperature on statusbar
  • Double-tap on statusbar to sleep
  • Statusbar greetings
  • Animation changer
  • SlimPIE
  • Wake blocker
  • Kernel Auditor(built-in)
  • AICP OTA App
  • SlimDim
  • Customize power menu
  • Customize navigation bar
  • Double-tap to wake
  • Three figures swipe to take screenshot
  • QS Sync Tile
  • QS Screenshot Tile
  • QS Screenrecord Tile
  • QS Quick and Smart pull down
  • QS WiFi Detailed Tile View
  • QS Location Tile - Enable Advanced Settings
  • QS Notification Tile -Set notifs to All/Priority/None
  • QS Restart SystemUI Tile
  • QS Reboot, Screen Off Tile
  • QS Ambient Display Tile

  • VPN
  • 2G/3G SWITCH 

  • ROM OS Version : 6.0.x Marshmallow 
  • Chip version : mt6582
  • ROM Kernel : KK 3.4.67
  • Based On :CM13

  • Samar Vispute (compillied from source)
  • Varun chitre
  • Suraj Lad
  • yazad madan
  • kishan
  • sprout devs
  • Syed hassan javaid
  • me (manjunath yashu) crossport from sprout 4 ☺
  • Bhaskar RB

GAPPS (arm/pico / 6.0.1)

IF Settings apk ask root permittion make it DENY

Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

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