Hi Friends, Today i'm back with a must useful tutorial for all the Developers and Porters who are using Mediatek Devices (64bit) Like MT67xx devices and are willing to port Roms for their devices. This guide is tested and reported working by many users. Tested on Jiayu S3, Lenovo K3 Note and many devices successfully. So coming to the point now, below i've mentioned the working guides for you all. Just follow the given steps carefully and boot your first rom on (64bit) platform. 😄
MT6735/35M/35P (etc) to mt6753 or viceversa / MT6735/53/35M/35P (etc) to MT6735/53/35M/35P
Folders- LIB & LIB64
- HW (folder)
- EGL (folder)
- libcamera_client.so
- libcamera_metadata
- libcameracustom.so
- Firmware (folder)
- Mddb (folder)
- Agps_profiles_conf2.xml
- Apns-conf.xml
- Custom.conf
- Recovery.xml
- Recovery.fstab
- Recovery-resource.dat
- Spn-conf.xml
- Trustzone.bin.
- boot.img-kernel [replace from stock to port]
- fstab.mt67xx [replace from stock to port]
- compare all init.67xx files
MT6735/35M/35P/53 to new MT6737 or viceversa (who is enhanced MT6735 platform)
Folders- LIB & LIB64
- HW(folder)
- EGL(folder)
- lib3a.so
- lib3a_sample.so
- lib3m.so
- libacdk.so
- All libaudio_xxx.so
- libcamera_client.so
- libcamera_metadata
- libcameracustom.so
- libcustom_nvram.so
- libdrmframework.so
- libexif.so libft2.so
- All libimageio_xxx.so
- libjni_eglfence.so
- libjnigraphics.so
- libjpeg.so
- libJpgDecPipe.so
- libJpgEncPipe.so
- libjtranscode.so
- libm.so libm4u.so
- libmhalImageCodec.so
- libmp4enc_sa.ca7.so
- libmp4enc_xa.ca7.so
- All lib files between libmtkcamera_client.so
- libMtkVideoTranscoder.so
- libn3d3a.so libpng.so
- libSwJpgCodec.so
- libvc1dec_sa.ca7.so
- libvcodec_cap.so
- libvcodec_oal.so
- libvcodec_utility.so
- libvcodecdrv.so
- libvorbisidec.so
- boot.img-kernel [replace from stock to port]
- fstab.mt67xx [replace from stock to port]
- compare all init.67xx files
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