Are you a video blogger or someone who produces videos occasionally?
If your answer is yes, this post is going to be highly useful for you.
Chances are you’re using YouTube to upload videos. YouTube is indeed the king of videos, however, once you have completed a video production, you should also look beyond YouTube to upload your videos.
By uploading videos to other video uploading sites, you are not only increasing your visibility, you are also adding extra branding for yourself & for the brand you are representing.
In this epic post, I’m sharing a bunch of sites like YouTube where you can upload any kind of original video. I would recommend making this a part of your video promotion strategy, especially now that internet bandwidth is getting cheaper. This technique is going to help you get more out of your video content.
You can also upload already created videos to really boost your online presence.
One important thing to do: Keep your video titles & descriptions ready. I usually keep them handy on Evernote & simply copy/paste when uploading videos.
Another thing that you must do (in case you are not doing it yet) is to add an intro & outro with every video. You can use a site like Fiverr and get a high-quality intro/outro that won’t cost more than $10-$20. I have spoken about this earlier here.
To give you a better understanding, watch this video to see my intro & outro:

I believe you & me are now on the same page, so let’s go ahead & get to this epic list of websites like YouTube to upload your videos. You can treat these sites as an alternative to YouTube for uploading videos. However, I don’t find any single site in this list as good as YouTube for video discovery & promotion. I suggest using all, or at least a few, of the listed sites along with YouTube to make the most out of your hard work.

Best Websites To Upload Videos Like YouTube For Extra Reach & Branding:

Facebook Page & Profile
Facebook page & profile

Once you are done uploading onto YouTube, Facebook is the next place where you should upload your videos.
  • Allowed Size: 4 GB Max
  • Time length: 120 minutes max (Source)
  • Allowed size exception: 1.75Gb
  • Caption text length: Max 2200 characters
If you have a larger video, you can always split it into 2-3 parts & then upload. However, I believe most of the bloggers who create videos keep a length of under 120 minutes.
One tool called TubeBuddy can natively publish YouTube videos on your Facebook page. I often use it to save time.

Twitter Video

Twitter is another popular social networking site that supports video sharing.
You can either record a video or upload an existing video on Twitter. You can upload videos using the official Twitter app on iPhone or Android. You can also upload videos using the Twitter website.
  • Max video length: 2 minutes 20 seconds
  • Supported format on mobile apps: MP4 and MOV
  • Supported format on the website: MP4 video format with H264 format
  • Upload size limit on the website: 512 MB
If your video is longer than the allowed 2 minutes 20 seconds, you can always trim the video on the app itself before uploading. 

Example video:
Instagram Videos
Instagram videos

You can also upload your video to Instagram, but unlike other websites, the video length is very short. You can only upload a maximum 60-second video.
What you can do is create a video teaser of your main video & post it on Instagram. You can add the video link in the description of your profile & tell users to see the complete video by clicking the link. It’s a little bit of extra work, but the kind of high-quality promotion you will get from Instagram is completely worth it.
  • Max allowed length: 60 seconds
  • Upload using mobile app only
Another thing you can do on Instagram is take advantage of Instagram live video and stories. You can use it to let people know about your latest published video & drive more traffic to your YouTube channel.
Here is an example of one such uploaded video on Instagram:

Vimeo is another free video hosting site.
They have both free & paid plans. Usually, brands prefer to host their videos on Vimeo. I use a paid plan of Vimeo for hosting videos for our membership site ShoutUniversity.
To start using Vimeo, you need to create a free account which offers 500MB per week of upload space. You can upload a maximum of 10 videos every day. However, they have strict rules regarding commercial videos, so you should read their basic membership guidelines here.
For a blogger, independent production company, author, artist, or non-profit, there are no problems when using the free plan.
One interesting thing about Vimeo is that you can upload videos directly using Dropbox, Google Drive, One Drive & Box. I personally like the Dropbox feature to upload my videos on Vimeo.


Dailymotion is an old video sharing site that lets us upload videos for free.
  • Maximum file size: 2 GB
  • Maximum video duration: 60 minutes
Just like Vimeo, Dailymotion also allows video embedding, so it’s a good alternative to YouTube for hosting videos. Here you can see an example of one of my videos on Dailymotion.
Another interesting thing to know about Dailymotion is that you can also monetize your videos just like you can with YouTube. This adds in another good option for you to make money from your videos.
As per my observation, Dailymotion lacks views, but again, if you are in a country where internet bandwidth is cheap, it shouldn’t stop you from uploading videos on Dailymotion.
Other websites where you can upload videos:
There are more sites like Periscope where you can share live videos. There are also ways by which you can stream existing videos as “live” on Periscope & other platforms like Facebook. However, that is out of the scope of this post. I will talk more about this nice hack in upcoming posts.
If you haven’t yet uploaded your videos on another platform, well, now you have more options apart from YouTube to get extra views.
Do let me know: Are you uploading your videos to any other video sharing platform? Which ones do you think are the best? Let me hear your thoughts in the comments below.
If you find this list of video sharing sites useful, do share it with others on Facebook & Twitter. I will see you in the next blog post!

    Sunmughan Swamy

    Sunmughan Swamy

    I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
    Design | Code | Compile | Debug

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