Change Permalink URL Of Published Blogger Post Without Losing Traffic

Sometimes, we want to change the permalink of a published blogger post to make it more search friendly or reducing URL length. If you’re searching for this trick, then this post is worth for you because in this article, Today I’m going to share an excellent method to change the published post link of the blogger without losing the traffic.
Change Permalink, Change URL Blogger Post

You can do this job by just reverting your published post to the draft, editing the post and publish it. When changing the URL, there’s a little more to take into the consideration, as your published post has already been linked with that URL and more than likely posted on social networking sites whenever you’ve shared the post. If you change the URL of the published post without first making sure that the old URL will instantly redirect viewers through to the new URL, you’ll lose traffic following the old link.

But Don’t worry guys, In this post, I’ve written the complete guide to change the permalink URL of published post with redirecting OLD post link to newly updated link. So, you’ll never lose the traffic if you follow all below steps carefully.

Steps To Change URL Permalink

 Note:  Before you edit your permalink, make sure you have copied your current URL web address somewhere it’s readily available (I always use Notepad tool). For example:
STEP 1] First go to then Click On Posts Select that post you want to change permalink.

STEP 2] Now click on Revert to draft from the top menu.

STEP 3] Now open the post again and click on links. Here you will see now custom permalink option is available.

STEP 4] Now, add your new desired link and click on done.

STEP 5] Now you'll see your link has been updated.

STEP 6] Thats it. Now just publish your post again :p

Steps To Redirecting Old Permalink To New URL

As I’ve mentioned already, You’ve promoted your blog post several times on social media and now after making changes, If someone clicks on that link (Old URL), then he/she will receive an error message saying that the post does not exist anymore and you’ll lose your traffic.
So, For fixes this issue, you have to setup a redirect from old post URL to new URL of that post. There are two methods to perform this job –
  1. By Search Preferences Setting.
  2. Using JavaScript Code.
 Note:  Only use one method.

Method #1 – Using Search Preferences Setting Of Blogger

STEP 1] Under Setting >> Click On Search Preferences.
STEP 2] Now, In Errors and redirections >> Click On Edit Link of Custom Redirects option.
Change Old Permalink, New Permalink, Change Permalink, Redirect URL

STEP 3] If you already added some redirects in the past, then you will have to click the ‘New Redirect’ button to create a new URL redirection. And In the ‘from’ box, enter the old permalink and in the to’ box, enter the new permalink (excluding the blog URL). In our example, the from and to box will be –

FROM: /2016/09/old-blog-post.html To: /2016/09/new-blog-post.html
STEP 4] After above procedure, Select the permanent, tick on save and after that click on save button. See below screenshot.

That’s it. Now Test redirection.

Method #2 – Using JavaScript Code

STEP 1] Go To Template >> Click on Edit HTML button.
STEP 2] Using CTRL+F search for tag and paste below code just after of it.
STEP 3] Change Red-Highlighted Text with Your URL-
  1. In place of YOUR OLD URL add your old post link.
  2. In place of YOUR NEW URL add your new post link.
 Note:  Make sure you only swap out the text in uppercase, or else the code won’t work.
STEP 4] Now, click on Save Template button.
Now, open our blog post by inserting old link to browser web address bar. It should redirect you from old URL to new URL automatically. If you want to make Permalink URL changes on several posts, then you have to follow these steps every time.


So above guide is about “How To Change Permalink URL Of Published Blogger Post Without Losing Traffic?” I’ve tried my best to make this tutorial as easy as possible, but if in any case you’re facing any issue, then let me know via dropping a comment below. I’ll be happy to assist you.

Did you know this trick before? Did you like the post? If you like, then don’t forget to share this article with your friends using any one of your social ID.
Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

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