Hey Champs, we have a good news ok its an awesome news for all Airtel Free 3G Direct Unlimited trick users for 2017, as the title is itself says is all, this post is all about new trick for airtel unlimited direct internet trick which we were using since from last couple of months and the same recently turned to not working, not working in the sense we were facing certain frequent disconnection, speed capping, 3g signals lost and all these were some of the common issues.

Well we are here to provide a new tweak which will give you a freedom to get this trick back alive for you unlimited internet downloads as well as unlimited browse as per you needs.  
Here we are assuming that you have a basic idea what is Airtel 3G 4G direct free unlimited internet trick, as we are not going to discuss much about the basic steps / full  procedure. Moreover if you are a first time users checking out this post for the first time we would like to give a quick recap.

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So Lets get started with this

AirTel 3G Free Direct Unlimited Internet Trick:

Please Refer this post for full trick: True Unlimited Airtel 3g 4g Direct Internet Trick 2017
Solution for Speed Uncap in Airtel 3G 4G Direct Unlimited internet trick :
  • 1. You need to have a Unlimited 2G Recharge that’s you know right ?
    1.1 – If you have already having 2G unlimited plan activated, then first remove family member and proceed to next step.
  • 2. Now recharge with small 3g Pack (it can be of Rs 9 or Rs 15)
  • 3. Your speed will get capped when 10MB 3G will be left (Stop using internet with this data)
  • 4. Wait till midnight (00:01 AM )
  • 5. Now Again Recharge with small 3G pack (could be of 9 or 15)
  • 6. Your speed will be capped (Dont worry, now no more investment)
  • 7. Now Simply ADD a Family member (SMS ADD xxxxxxxxxx) Replace xxxxxxxxx with valid airtel number.
  • 8. All done now start downloading internet stuffs and please remember Dont Remove Family member
  • 9. Enjoy Full speed free unlimited Airtel trick.

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Still have any queries after reading Airtel Free 3G Direct Unlimited tricks solution or your are confused what is this all about or having troubles understanding this, feel free to leave your question right below the post in comment section we will answer your question as early as possible.
Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

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