Sense 8 for Huawei Honor Holly
Features :
- Sense 8 Home
- HTC Music Player
- HTC Sense Tasks App
- HTC GPS , data,and auto rotate widget
- HTC Browser
- HTC Camera
- HTC Gallery
- Touchpal Keyboard HTC Sense 8 version
- Sense 8 world clock
- HTC Auto Sync
- HTC Photo Enhancer
- HTC ServicePack
- HTC Home Personalize
- HTC Video Player
- HTC Sense 8 Boot animation
- SuperUser included
- Rest Are As CM13
- Too many features
Bugs :
- 2G/3G switch
Ferhung - The man behind CM13 for MT6582
Tirth For BuildingFire855 - Another legend
Suhail - Porting this ROM for HHH
Sergey Kochetkoff - Fixing GPS
Minh Quoc and Karim Gahgah - For video recording fix
Aniruddha Adhikary - For his amazing USSD Fix
Team Holly ROM Porters or Honor ROM Porters- Kishan Patel, Suhail Dongri, Hemant Singh, Krishna ,Mohamed Ismail, Abootharir , Omar
Required blobs (Really huge thanks) :
nofearnohappy, Varun Chitre, Ariafan, Vald.masti, Fire855, Alex
Sergey Kochetkoff - Fixing GPS
Minh Quoc and Karim Gahgah - For video recording fix
Aniruddha Adhikary - For his amazing USSD Fix
Team Holly ROM Porters or Honor ROM Porters- Kishan Patel, Suhail Dongri, Hemant Singh, Krishna ,Mohamed Ismail, Abootharir , Omar
Required blobs (Really huge thanks) :
nofearnohappy, Varun Chitre, Ariafan, Vald.masti, Fire855, Alex
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