Features Overview:

CM Theme Engine
Gesture any where
Floating windows
App circle bar
App side bar
Slim recents
In-Built SuperSU

Features in detail

Display and animations :

LCD Density
Toast icon
Toast Animation
Power menu animation
IME animation
ListView animation
System animation

Notification drawer :

Tiles animation style
Tiles animation duration
Brightness slider
Brightness icon
Immersive mode messages
Quick settings on lock screen
Force expanded notifications
Task Manager
Time contextual header
Header font style

Recents panel : 

Clear all button
Clear all button location
Hidden apps
Show search barin recents menu
Memory bar
Recents in full screen

Lock Screen :

DT2S on Lockscreen
Power menu on lock screen
Lock screen blur
Lockscreen torch
Lock clock fonts
Clock, Alarm, Date
Charging current
Owner info

Transparency Po#n : 

QS shade transparency
QS header transparency
Volume dialog transparency
Power/reboot menu transparency

Advanced : 

Floating Windows
App Circle Bar
App slider
Gesture Anywhere
Pie Control
Slim Recents

More : 

Disable FC notifications
Launch music app
Screenshot sound
Three finger gesture
System app remover
Wakelock Blocker

How to flash (you need flash rom Miui base Android 6.0)

Boot into recovery
Flash ROM
Flash Gapps (Open gapps 6.0 arm Nano)
You know right? xD

What's Not Working ?
2g/3g switch

Credits :

Slim , Omni , Travel , Aicp , DroidOS
renosang-sang nguyen from DroidVN team-my team (droidvn.com

Ferhung - The man behind CM13 for MT6582
Fire855 - Another legend
Hyperion70Aboothair - Porting this ROM for HHH 

Sergey Kochetkoff - Fixing GPS  
Minh Quoc and Karim Gahgah - For video recording fix
Aniruddha Adhikary - For his amazing USSD Fix
Team Holly ROM Porters or Honor ROM Porters- Kishan Patel, Suhail Dongri, Hemant Singh, Krishna ,Mohamed Ismail, Aboothair , Omar 

Required blobs (Really huge thanks) :
nofearnohappy, Varun Chitre, Ariafan, Vald.masti, Fire855, Alex

Download : Click Here :P

Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

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