This is CandySiX. Built straight from source with commits from a variety of different Sources/ROMS. We wanted to give the users a fun, fully customizable ROM. We aim to add more features as this project progresses. 

Check us out  web @The-Candy-Shop

@Yoshi_Guy @rc420head @Cuzz1369 

@Flashalot @Venomtester @javelinanddart @calebcabob @NoSpamDan @gimmeitorilltell

Founding members
@matthew0776 @mar5hal

Disclaimer: We here at The CandyShop are not responsible for any bricks you may obtain. Please follow the thread rules and steps and everything will be gravy. Remember, backing up before flashing is always recommended. 

Battery bar
LCD denisty options
Status bar customization
Quick setting customization
Quick setting pull down options
Force expand notifications
Time context headers in panel
DarkUI switch
Advanced power menu
-Power munu
-List view
Navbar customization:
-Navbar button color
-Navbar DPI
-DT2S on Navbar
More to come, we are never done...


Coming from another rom
1) Download the rom
2) Download 6.0 Gapps (optional)
3) Boot into recovery (either twrp or Philz)
4) Full wipe (Dalvik Cache, Cache, System, Factory Data Reset)
5) Flash zip 
6) Flash Gapps
7) Reboot

Special thanks to CyanogenMod, SlimRoms, Omni and all the rest who make their source open, we can't do this on our own. 
~Candy rom Team
~Kishan and Yazad (for compiling for MT6582)
~Fire855 and Ferhung (for their commits)
~Aniruddha Adhikary (for his USSD fix)
~Varun Chitre

Bugs :

Sunmughan Swamy

Sunmughan Swamy

I am a Pro Blogger cum Android Developer. I am desperately passionate about developing Android Apps and Roms for Android Devices. I used to listen music during my work, meanwhile play video games,outdoor sports and much more. I have only 4 passion :-
Design | Code | Compile | Debug

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